Find And Learn Chinese Words

Find the words you want to learn through search or word list, you will get related content about listening, reading, and writing on the word details page

How many words included?







Frequently Asked Questions

What is this site about?

This website has collected a lot of Chinese words (and will include more in the future), providing pinyin, annotations, examples, and stroke order for each word, with support for pronunciation to be added later. We will also categorize the words into different lists. Through this website, you can learn Chinese more effectively.

How to find a Chinese word?

We offer two methods to look up words: the first is by searching for Chinese words or pinyin, the second is through categorized word lists.

Does this site include all Chinese words?

Currently, this website does not include all words, as organizing the data takes a considerable amount of time, but in the future, it will cover more, including idioms, xiehouyu (two-part allegorical sayings), and so on.

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